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A Fulfilling Staycation May Be All You Need

When I crave a life changing experience and a break away from the city, LAX is usually part of the equation. I love the whole journey of travel, from packing to flying, even killing time at the airport. But when time is limited or money's tight, theres no reason you can't have a life changing break away from home.  Heres a breakdown of my favorite staycations in Southern California. Hopefully it inspires a trip of your own wherever you are. You don't have to look as far as you'd think to find something magical.  Art in Ojai When I talk about something "life changing", I'm really just looking for inspiration. I'm an artist, so picking a place abundant with creativity will surely be fulfilling. Figure out what you're in search of and do a little digging. There are free events, weekend retreats and day trips everywhere!  Ojai is so rich with art. I stayed with my friend who has a beautiful studio in her backyard where she's current

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